Monday, June 9, 2008

the feeling of regret and frustration...

usually I will wait a long time for a trade to mature and go my way and when it does... I fail to execute... some strange feelings overcomes me at that moment ...

the opportunity arrives... I get the gains (as I did today) ... something I had (almost) dream about of happening... a gain like this....

After wishing/waiting and working on the trade... I did get my results..

I simply did not take profits? missing on the opportunity that may take a long time to come by again.

I felt really excited (happy) at that moment ... I kept looking at the account... increasing,,, and then as I watched in dispare the account moving back down... the gains disappearing?

Only if I could have listened to my inner deeper feelings and act immediately... I would succeed.

Later I feel regret and even anger at myself for not (selling my calls/puts and) taking profits when the target was hit.... I feel frustrated and anxious as I let go of my gains...

It really felt good at that moment, as I saw the account moving higher... but that was all (I took from it) a happy feeling for 10 minutes of the day...

now i regret not executing and acting ....

there seems to be a pattern I follow... feel delighted and happy when the trade is doing well... expect it to keep moving high and high ... waiting and enjoying the moment ... not taking profit...

Then suddenly the trade reverses... I see my gains disappear... I feel regret and frustration... almost angry at myself for not taking profits.. at the right moment...

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